传立中国 Mindshare China



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我们诚挚邀请您参加传立中国10月18日周一在上海W Hotel举办的年度Huddle盛会。

在全球最领先的数字营销环境中,中国营销人员和品牌在寻求新增长机会时所遇的挑战愈加错综复杂。 10 月 18 日,传立中国将深度切入内容,新零售,平台,数据法规和消费者定位,打破营销成规,化繁为简,启发灵感,助您全面释放增长机会。最后,在俯瞰美丽黄浦江的W酒店Wet Bar举行的鸡尾酒会中,本活动将落下帷幕。



You are warmly invited to attend Mindshare China's inaugural Huddle event, to be held on Monday October 18th at the W Hotel, Shanghai.

In the world's most advanced digital marketing landscape, marketers and brands in China are facing mounting complexity as they look to unlock new growth. This October 18th, Mindshare China will uncover myths, navigate complexity and inspire – from content and new retail, to platforms, data regulation and finding your next consumer. The day's event will culminate with a cocktail networking session overlooking the beautiful Huangpu River.

Spaces are limited, so click on the ticket registration buttons below to reserve your ticket!

We look forward to you joining us for this exciting event!

Huddle + 鸡尾酒社交通行证(Huddle + Cocktail Pass)



This pass enables you to attend Mindshare China's Huddle on October 18th from 10am-5pm, as well as the Cocktail Networking session from 5-7pm.

*Each guest can only select one pass from a single category. Please do not select more than one category.


Huddle主场活动通行证 (Huddle Only Pass)


如您还想参加下午5点至7点的鸡尾酒社交,请选择“Huddle + 鸡尾酒社交”通行证。


This pass enables you to attend Mindshare China's Huddle on October 18th from 10am-5pm.

If you wish to join the Cocktail Networking session from 5-7pm, please choose the Huddle + Cocktail Ticket.

*Each guest can only select one pass from a single category. Please do not select more than one category.





09:00 - 10:00
开始签到 Registration Opens
10:00 - 10:05
开幕致辞 | Welcome to the Huddle
由传立中国CEO Benjamin Condit发表开幕致辞。

Held by Mindshare China CEO, Benjamin Condit
10:05 - 10:45
赢在中国 | Winning in China

This sets the stage for the day's Huddle by exploring China's growth story and the key shifts across platforms, consumers, commerce, and culture that brands will need to navigate through to succeed in the market.
10:45 - 11:15
在“平台第一”的市场中出奇制胜 | Winning in a Platform-First Market

An introduction to a new way of thinking on platforms, from traffic sources and landing, to data and tools.
11:15 - 11:30
早茶 | Morning Tea

Tea and Coffee provided.
11:30 - 12:00
解锁新零售2.0 | Unlocking New Retail 2.0
From eCommerce to Social Commerce, retail in China is ever-changing. New Retail 2.0 looks to guide you through the evolution of New Retail and the defining factors of its rapid growth - from dynamic trends, channel proliferation, to new data and technology - ending the session with a glimpse of where New Retail is headed next.
12:00 - 12:30
体验经济 | The Future of Advertising is Experience
体验正成为品牌越来越有价值的接触点,特别是当他们试图触达Z世代的心智、思想和钱包。更重要的是,线上和线下体验继续融合,改变了它们在消费者旅程中扮演的角色。本场将涵盖品牌的趋势、影响和最佳实践,以在不断变化的品牌体验世界中把握机遇,无论线上线下。Experience is becoming an increasingly valuable touchpoint for brands, particularly as they seek to capture the hearts, minds, and wallets of GenZ. What’s more, online and offline experience continue to converge, changing their role in the consumer journey. This session will cover the trends, implications, and best practices for brands to navigate opportunities in an evolving world of brand experience, online and off.
12:30 - 14:00
午餐 |Lunch

Buffet lunch will be provided.
14:00 - 14:45
解锁影响力| Influence the Influencer


In a two-part structure, Influencing the Influencer will delve into both the method and the magic behind navigating the evolving China influencer landscape.

Firstly, this session will help marketers understand the methodology for success, before then taking a peek at the magic behind the scenes of working with a KOL.
14:45 - 15:25
内容创未来 | A Content First Future

In the age of Digital Transformation, it has become imperative for brands to consider content transformation——a key component to growth.

This session will delve into how brands can pinpoint the cultural drivers of internal growth using themselves as the solution, deconstruct consumer culture with context and IP innovation, and drive full-link business growth with content strategy.
15:25 - 15:45
下午茶|Afternoon Tea
Tea and Coffee will be provided.
15:45 - 16:15
发现下一个消费者 | Find Your Next Consumer
《追寻下一个消费者》旨在帮助品牌挖掘明日之关键的消费群体—Z世代与银发族。 本场我们将全方位解析这两种人群,并分享我们对于其媒体的行为、生活态度和消费习惯等方面令人振奋的发现。这些洞察将帮助您与这些增长潜力强大的群体建立深度联动。

Find Your Next Consumer aims to help brands identify the growth potential of tomorrow’s key consumers - Generation Z and the Silver Generation.

In this session, we’ll get to better know two audience groups with some exciting revelations about their media behaviour, life attitudes and consumption habits that will help you create even more relevance with these lucrative groups.
16:15 - 16:55
感受世界参差,致胜下沉市场 ​ | The Real Opportunity in China's Lower-Tier Markets
Lower-tier markets are not simply a homogenous group of people. Rather, they represent millions of very different groups. In this session, we take a deep dive into this dynamic world, helping you to unlock lucrative growth amongst these audiences.
16:55 - 17:00
闭幕致辞 | Huddle Closing Statements
Held by Mindshare Greater China Executive Chair, Linda Lin
17:00 - 19:00
鸡尾酒会 | Cocktail Networking Session
闭幕鸡尾酒会将在上海W Hotel的Wet Bar举行

Held at the Wet Bar, W Hotel Shanghai



W Shanghai - The Bund
No.66 Lvshun Road
Shanghai, 中国


请发送邮件至 nicholas.short@mindshareworld.com 获取活动或场地更多信息,您也可以拨打电话+86 1861891273联系我们。

