我们诚挚邀请您参加传立中国10月18日周一在上海W Hotel举办的年度Huddle盛会。
在全球最领先的数字营销环境中,中国营销人员和品牌在寻求新增长机会时所遇的挑战愈加错综复杂。 10 月 18 日,传立中国将深度切入内容,新零售,平台,数据法规和消费者定位,打破营销成规,化繁为简,启发灵感,助您全面释放增长机会。最后,在俯瞰美丽黄浦江的W酒店Wet Bar举行的鸡尾酒会中,本活动将落下帷幕。
You are warmly invited to attend Mindshare China's inaugural Huddle event, to be held on Monday October 18th at the W Hotel, Shanghai.
In the world's most advanced digital marketing landscape, marketers and brands in China are facing mounting complexity as they look to unlock new growth. This October 18th, Mindshare China will uncover myths, navigate complexity and inspire – from content and new retail, to platforms, data regulation and finding your next consumer. The day's event will culminate with a cocktail networking session overlooking the beautiful Huangpu River.
Spaces are limited, so click on the ticket registration buttons below to reserve your ticket!
We look forward to you joining us for this exciting event!